
  • 21 Angel Essence Attunement — $30    

    21 Angel Essences Attunement,rnA stand alone healing modality from the Angels, in a guided meditation passed on from Casey Heinzism to the students. The Manuel can be found on the site of Casey's teacher. http://www.sherryspeaks.com. It is also recommend you donate to her as well for hosting the manuals. This guided meditation allows you to focus and attune yourself to the Essences of the angels, so that you may call upon and channel the energy to others as needed. The Angel Essence description is out of the Manuel. The Music is made by DNatureofDTrain Casey Heinzism using LMMS program... And the guided meditation is also guided by Casey Heinzism DNatureofDTrain. This file can also be used as a induction, or relaxation file...

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 1:01:01
    Downloads: 0
    Trigger(by yourself)