I have been thinking about this idea and looking for feedback as well as flushing out the idea..what I am proposing is setting up a suggestions while doing aerobic training for the anaerobic side of muscle building and using that time to good use as well as getting a great aerobic workout.
I alternate between aerobic and anaerobic workouts ...
so for aerobic workouts...set up a suggestion of 4 separate personalities while on the tread mill... the Robot that actually does the workout ... devoid of emotions and pain ..the robot would not need to think just do...however it would need just enough thinking power to prevent falling and provide feedback that there was no injury..another personality that is the coach ..mercilessly pushing the robot to the limits .. a third that is listening to tunes..and a fourth that is making detail plans for the anaerobic workout to come...
finish the workout all you remember is the tunes....and the plan
repeat the procedure for the weightlifting except 3 personalities robot coach and tunes... in this case the coach would be pushing for perfect form to prevent injury ...and prevent the ego from getting in the way and pushing too much weight
finish the workout all you remember is the tunes...and the numbers of reps and weight amounts...
this would allow you to be detached from the workout enough so that you don't feel the pain.. plan your weightlifting in detail, and since the coach would be watching you logging of your workout .
what do you think?